Frequently Asked Questions for an Author Visit with Niyoka McCoy
Book The Author

As mentioned in the Savannah Tribune, Mrs. Niyoka McCoy has written three children’s book to date. The first two were published by herself (My Father & Me; My Sister Cami) and the third (Little Boy like Me) is published by Tate Publishing. If you would like to schedule an appearance on her behalf, a contract is first required. Arrangements should be made with Tiffany Byrd, the Administrative Assistant of Ink Notations, you will receive a contract to be signed and returned to Tiffany Byrd.

Click here to contact Tiffany
Niyoka Dixon McCoy

Niyoka Dixon McCoy

click on image to enlarge
How do we pay Niyoka’s fee?

A deposit check should be made payable to Ink Notations and returned to Tiffany Byrd with the signed contract. The balance should be payable to Niyoka McCoy on the day of the visit.

What does Niyoka need for her presentation?

- Directions to the designated place.

- Information regarding parking, if necessary. Or, a reserved parking spot is appreciated, as Niyoka has a large quantity of portable materials.

- A faculty member to greet her and give a tour throughout the school and guide her to the presentation area is most appreciated.

- A medium-sized table will allow for showcasing books.

-A digital projector for powerpoint presentations, a stationary location able to be darkened and a screen, set up and ready to accommodate Niyoka’s laptop.

- A gathering of eager, well-informed students.

- Payment of the balance due: payable to Niyoka McCoy.

Arrangements for lunch?

There is no need to prepare for anything special. Niyoka is fine eating whatever meal (please no pork) is to be had in the school cafeteria or receiving directions to a nearby restaurant, if time permits.

Schools have arranged for special luncheons with selected students and/or teachers. This has proven to be fun for everyone involved. The school library is sometimes a great environment to do this. However, if possible, please give Niyoka enough quiet time to eat her lunch. Afterwards, any other questions or discussions that students would like to have are more than welcome.

What about ordering and autographing of her books?

- Niyoka does not require that her books be purchased, however children tend to like having a book by an author that they have met. Her publishers offer generous discounts on books purchased in addition with her appearances.

- Autographing can be done after lunch is over with or when Niyoka designates the appropriate time.

- Write the name to be inscribed in the book on a piece of paper with each book. This saves time and lessens the chance of error.

- Please remember to plan ahead! Allow a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks to receive books once an order has been placed with the publishers.

How do I order Niyoka’s books?

Your local independent bookstore may be happy to help arrange a book sale. If not, books can be ordered directly from the publisher. Niyoka’s publishers offer a substantial discount.

Remember to plan early. To order from the publisher, follow the step-by-step instructions found here. Allow a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks for books to be shipped. Shorter time may be possible, but cannot always be guaranteed.

Can I buy Niyoka’s books at a discount?

Yes! Niyoka offers a discount for books ordered in addition to making an author appearance. The savings can be used to finance the visit or given to the students. You will need to contact Tiffany Byrd for further information.

Click here to contact Tiffany

How will I know how many books to order?

- You can print an order form from this web site.

- Decide how much you will charge for each book (full retail or discounted price)

- Write the price on the book order

- Compose the necessary number of copies

- Send home with the students at least 5 weeks before Niyoka’s visit, if possible.

NOTE: Children often want to purchase books after they have seen Niyoka make an appearance. For this reason, you should consider ordering extra books. However, any books not sold may be returned.

What if I order too many books?

No worries! All books are returnable to the publisher except for fiction books ordered at a 50% discount.

What if I need to order books after Niyoka leaves?

No worries. Just inform the publisher that the order is in addition to a previous author visit and the discount will still apply.

But, what about autographing said books after Niyoka has left?

Niyoka does not mind signing clear, stick-on labels that can be adhered to the front of the book. Just e-mail Tiffany Byrd the necessary information (to whom the labels should be inscribed) and she will mail them back to you.

Click here to contact Tiffany

How can students benefit from Niyoka’s visit?

A successful author visit is ensuring that the students are familiar with Niyoka’s books. Students who have read her work or have had it read to them in class:

- Will relate more easily to the presentation.

- Will be excited and can enhance the participation of others.

- Are more likely to come armed with questions that aid their experience with the author.

We want to get the biggest “bang” for our buck. How can we do that?

As previously stated, preparation is the key. Make Niyoka’s books available to students and teachers beforehand so that they can become familiar with her work.

There are many ways to make this visit special for everyone involved. Here are some of the things that schools have done to ensure that Niyoka’s appearance was memorable for all:

- Talk about Niyoka’s upcoming visit in the classrooms.

- Help build the excitement by having the children make welcoming posters based upon her books.

- Send home newsletters of Niyoka’s visit ahead of time.

- Arrange for a special luncheon or conference with selected students or teachers.

- Have Niyoka’s works on display in the library.

- If allowed, arrange for students to interview Niyoka for the school newspaper.

- Contact your town newspaper to let them know about the event. A reporter or photographer may want to come and cover the event.

We only need Niyoka for half a day and have limited funds. What can we do?

Niyoka offers half-day programs. However, it is encouraged to consider sharing the cost of a full-day program with another school in your area, which will save money and enhance local networking.